VisionCom, Inc. - Volume 3 January 2001
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Volume 3 January 2001
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Agent News
VCI WEBSITE TOPIC: CLIENTS Have you ever been away from your office and found yourself needing a phone number, address, or account number for one of your clients? Have you ever wondered just how many clients you have signed up under Visioncom or where the majority of your clients are located? Well, now you can obtain that information and more all at the click of your mouse!

Simply log on to and click on the ‘AGENT LOGIN’ section of the website. After entering your personal agent ID and password, click on the ‘CLIENTS’ section to the left. The client information has been placed into an ACT! Database where it can only be viewed by the designated sub-agent. Information can be searched by client name, client state, or by keyword. Please contact us if you have updated information that you would like to have put into this database. NEXT NEWSLETTER TOPIC: ‘ACCOUNT STATUS’

COMMISSION POSTING: You should now be able to access your current commissions online at Commissions will be posted on the web during the last week of the month. Please do not look for them any sooner. Remember, paper commissions will no longer be sent out to you. If you do not have access to the internet and therefore cannot obtain commissions on the web, please contact me at 218.353.7333.

INFORMATION REQUEST FORM: Please detach the information form included with your commission check and send it back to us. We really need the e-mail addresses so that agents can participate in the message board feature of this web site, and so that we may send you any new product information or promotions via the web. Thank you for your cooperation!

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